Saturday, January 11, 2014

Fits and Starts

Things are moving along. We are packing up Wild Wild West Drive and have moved out a couple of pieces of furniture and numerous bags to the Goodwill. I've been in communication with the lender and we have a closing date! The sellers agreed to some repairs we require before closing and we are in contact with the contractor who will be providing that service. It's all happening. I am a superstitious girl however, so will not post any photos of the new schloss until we have actually closed. As soon as we have ink to paper I will share the adventure visually. It's hard for me to not think about all the things I want to do as far as decorating but that really should take a back burner to the big construction that will need to occur first. My only goal should be to make it through the first few months that we live in the house as as it is-a two bedroom home. Trying to get unpacked and figure out storage. Trying not to go to IKEA or Finders Keepers every. weekend. to furnish the new nooks and crannies. Just breathing. AND picking out paint colors. Because it's good to have goals. I've gotten an agreement from the Mister that we will not be finishing this house upon our desire to sell it. I am on a 2 year plan for most items and a 5 year plan on a couple of big ones. Building the kids' bedrooms and dealing with the kitchen ceiling is item one. During that construction we can remove the wallpaper in the front room and if possible remove the plaster from the south wall to expose the brick. So pretty! Then we can paint. Maybe new kitchen countertops and rebuild the island so there's a little bar space for the kids to sit. There's so much. So perhaps my mantra shall be Patience. Ohhhhm. Stay tuned.

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