Monday, January 6, 2014

The adventure begins!

Welcome to our new adventure! After 8 years of living in the beautiful Northside Neighborhood of Fort Wayne, Indiana, we have sold our lovely home and are making the move toward downtown to the West Central Neighborhood. We found a wonderful cottage in that neighborhood that meets most of our needs. The needs it does not meet will be the grandest part of the adventure! Acquiring a house build in the 1860's is an adventure in and of itself, but there will be several adjustments; some big, (adding on two bedrooms! rebuilding the garage with an apartment for the in-laws!) and some small (painting! new countertops in the kitchen! light fixtures!) and some just new (living with a quarter of the closet space!). These will be our stories. There will not be blogging every day but there will be updates. There will be plenty of stories to tell. Welcome to our new story.

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