Saturday, January 18, 2014

Closer and closer

We are scheduled to close on Wild Wild West Drive. The documents are in and the hud has been reviewed. It's starting to become REAL.We barely had time to celebrate the reviewing of the settlement statement when we got a call that the buyers want a final walk through. Maybe it's because I am used to "final walk through" in connection with a new build home, this one threw me. It's not like I want to begrudge them another opportunity to see the house they are purchasing, BUT this means I have to CLEAN. And cleaning when there are several boxes strewn throughout your home is HARD. Not to mention really I want it to look nice. I want them to feel the love in this house. How can they feel the good juju if it's all boxes all rooms all the time??? So clean we will. We will donate James' crib. We talked to the agent about the trundle bed in the new house and they agreed to sell it to us. Ava is so excited! A day bed with a trundle! I see many sleepovers in our future, of course when the construction is complete. So we are moving her bed out as well. Yay! One less thing to move!! Please keep fingers crossed that our sale goes forward with no blips. I'm too superstitious and won't feel good until their lender funds the loan and I have a check in my hand. GAH.

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