Wednesday, February 5, 2014

One room at a time

If I focus on one room at a time it will all get done, right? Except the basement.  I'm in TOTAL denial about that.

Moved In!

We are all moved in here at Rockhill Manor. I got the last of our things out of the old house yesterday. It was super bittersweet. I had to make two trips (two and a half if you count that I turned around halfway back here to grab the cookbooks I'd forgotten). I wondered if it was a subconscious thing...not really wanting to say goodbye to the place where I raised the wee babies. They are still small(ish) and being raised to be sure, but the place where the boy took his first steps, and the place where they both learned to ride their bikes, and the place where they lost many teeth etcetcetc makes a mama's womb heave just a bit. We are snowed in today (although if I had a jeep I probably could get out-my neighbor just did) and I am taking the opportunity to unload a few boxes and do a few loads of laundry. And figure out what to make for dinner as I have been completely spoiled and not prepared a meal since Thursday last. PJ walked to work today. He looked awesome in his snowboarding gear and reported back that snowshoes will be a good investment. Who knows-if my office moves back downtown then maybe I will get some too!
I've arranged some furniture but you cannot really see it underneath the coats that were in the front closet that we do not have any more, as well as numerous boxes. Some of my day will be spent finding places for things so I can take some photos. I'm off to work on this place so I can share more with you soon!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Closer and closer

We are scheduled to close on Wild Wild West Drive. The documents are in and the hud has been reviewed. It's starting to become REAL.We barely had time to celebrate the reviewing of the settlement statement when we got a call that the buyers want a final walk through. Maybe it's because I am used to "final walk through" in connection with a new build home, this one threw me. It's not like I want to begrudge them another opportunity to see the house they are purchasing, BUT this means I have to CLEAN. And cleaning when there are several boxes strewn throughout your home is HARD. Not to mention really I want it to look nice. I want them to feel the love in this house. How can they feel the good juju if it's all boxes all rooms all the time??? So clean we will. We will donate James' crib. We talked to the agent about the trundle bed in the new house and they agreed to sell it to us. Ava is so excited! A day bed with a trundle! I see many sleepovers in our future, of course when the construction is complete. So we are moving her bed out as well. Yay! One less thing to move!! Please keep fingers crossed that our sale goes forward with no blips. I'm too superstitious and won't feel good until their lender funds the loan and I have a check in my hand. GAH.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Fits and Starts

Things are moving along. We are packing up Wild Wild West Drive and have moved out a couple of pieces of furniture and numerous bags to the Goodwill. I've been in communication with the lender and we have a closing date! The sellers agreed to some repairs we require before closing and we are in contact with the contractor who will be providing that service. It's all happening. I am a superstitious girl however, so will not post any photos of the new schloss until we have actually closed. As soon as we have ink to paper I will share the adventure visually. It's hard for me to not think about all the things I want to do as far as decorating but that really should take a back burner to the big construction that will need to occur first. My only goal should be to make it through the first few months that we live in the house as as it is-a two bedroom home. Trying to get unpacked and figure out storage. Trying not to go to IKEA or Finders Keepers every. weekend. to furnish the new nooks and crannies. Just breathing. AND picking out paint colors. Because it's good to have goals. I've gotten an agreement from the Mister that we will not be finishing this house upon our desire to sell it. I am on a 2 year plan for most items and a 5 year plan on a couple of big ones. Building the kids' bedrooms and dealing with the kitchen ceiling is item one. During that construction we can remove the wallpaper in the front room and if possible remove the plaster from the south wall to expose the brick. So pretty! Then we can paint. Maybe new kitchen countertops and rebuild the island so there's a little bar space for the kids to sit. There's so much. So perhaps my mantra shall be Patience. Ohhhhm. Stay tuned.

Monday, January 6, 2014

The adventure begins!

Welcome to our new adventure! After 8 years of living in the beautiful Northside Neighborhood of Fort Wayne, Indiana, we have sold our lovely home and are making the move toward downtown to the West Central Neighborhood. We found a wonderful cottage in that neighborhood that meets most of our needs. The needs it does not meet will be the grandest part of the adventure! Acquiring a house build in the 1860's is an adventure in and of itself, but there will be several adjustments; some big, (adding on two bedrooms! rebuilding the garage with an apartment for the in-laws!) and some small (painting! new countertops in the kitchen! light fixtures!) and some just new (living with a quarter of the closet space!). These will be our stories. There will not be blogging every day but there will be updates. There will be plenty of stories to tell. Welcome to our new story.